Search Tips
A search box appears at the top of most web pages on this site.
You can type in one or more words and then click the
or just type the Enter key on your keyboard.
You get a results page listing all the
pages in this site which are relevant to the search words you entered.
The most relevant pages are at the top.
Click on the title to go to the standard version of the page.
Some things to note about this search feature:
- Only words beginning with alphabetic characters (A-Z) are used.
- Upper/lower case is completely irrelevant in searching.
- Search expressions using connectors like
“and”, “or”, “not”
and parentheses are not processed.
- Many short, common words such as “for”,
“by”, “to”,
etc. are not used for searching.
- Two search words give a higher relevance to pages with both words,
over pages with one word.
A similar strategy is used for more than two search words.
- Use of quotes are ignored.
So, searching for “livestock feed” will find
pages where “livestock” and “feed” appear,
regardless of whether they are next to each other.